Guidelines for Joining the Club
Step 1
A candidate for an Ordinary or Country Family Membership shall complete and sign the prescribed proposal form.
Step 2
He/She shall be proposed by two (2) Ordinary or Country members who must have held membership of the Club for at least one year.
Step 3
If the proposer or seconder is not a member of the Central Executive Committee, the proposal form shall be counter signed by a member of the Central Executive Committee.
Step 4
The form, together with the prescribed entrance fees, the subscription calculated at the appropriate rate from the first day of the month in whih the application is made until first January of the following year, and any other mandatory levy/levies shall be submitted to the Honorary Membership Secretary.
Step 5
The completed form and the passport photographs of the applicant and other members of his/her family as appropriate shall be pasted on the Club's Notice Board for a period not less than fourteen (14) days.
Step 6
Any member of the Club may make representation in writing to the Honorary Membership Secretary or Honorary General Secretary showing cause why the candidate may not be admitted to membership within the above period
Step 7
The Central Executive Committee shall after the expiration of the prescribed period of 14 days, hold a meeting to screen the applicant and consider the proposal and after taking into consideration any representation in writing regarding the candidate (if any) shall put the issue of admission of the application into vote. Two-third (2/3) members present at the meeting shall be used to admit the applicant as a member of the Club.
Step 8
The Central Executive Committee may cause the proposer and/or the seconder to accompany the applicant to the meeting.
Step 9
The candidate, in the event of his/her proposal being rejected, shall be informed in writing of the result of his/her application. The entrance fee and subscription and any other levies paid shall be refunded to the candidate.
Step 10
The form, together with the prescribed entrance fees, the subscription calculated at the appropriate rate from the first day of the month in whih the application is made until first January of the following year, and any other mandatory levy/levies shall be submitted to the Honorary Membership Secretary.
Step 11
A candidate who has been rejected shall not be eligible to re-apply for membership until the expectation of twelve (12) calendar months from the date of his rejection.
Step 12
At the swearing in, a new member shall be provided with a copy of the Constitution
Step 13
A prospective member who fails to attend interview as invited within 12 months of payment of entrance and subscription fees and any other levies shall have his/her application nullified. Such an applicant shall forfeit his/her subscription fee.
Step 14
Children of members of the Club who have paid their subscriptions consecutively for period of ten years on attaining the age of 21 years, shall be given automatic membership of the Club by paying the current rate of annual subscription, games addition, Section dues and other levies.
Step 15
No person shall enjoy any of the privileges of membership until he/she shall have paid the entrance fee as specified and first subscription.
Step 16
The payment of an entrance fee or a first subscription by a member or a candidate for membership shall be considered as a declaration that he/she submits to the Constitution, Rules and Regulations and any other Bye-laws of the Club.